Rural European Innovation Area

REInA (Rural European Innovation Area) is a pan-European open platform which aims to gather innovative initiatives to support the creation of a new Rural European Innovation Area.

The objective of REInA is to be the loudspeaker for European rural area voices, pushing their development, growth, business and natural resources by a fair, green and sustainable management.

It will also present relevant challenges, calls, contests and other actions, all of them related to rural and territorial verticals.

Read & Sign the Rural Innovation Manifesto Access to Launching Event (6th – 7th Apr ’21)




Strong innovation ecosystems that bring together smart villages, startup villages, Local Action Groups, and public and private players are the only opportunity to allow the rural communities to thrive again. Innovation ecosystems can provide highly skilled jobs in technology areas and a new future for the rural communities. The development of rural innovation ecosystems will allow rural communities to benefit from the third wave (IT and biotech startups) and fourth wave (deep-tech startups) of innovation creating high quality jobs in rural areas.

We invite everybody concerned about the development of rural areas to join this manifesto and to bring it to the attention of the decision-makers at municipal, provincial/departmental, regional, national or European level.

Read & Sign the Rural Innovation Manifesto


During the REInA launching event, we went to Villahoz, Burgos, to carry out the matchmaking activity from there.

Villahoz is a beautiful village in Castile and Leon that supports entrepreneurs and startups, encouraging people to retain, to stay and to attract citizens to rural communities, developing innovative projects.

We also recorded a video in Villahoz during the launching event of REInA, in wich you can find interviews with entrepreneurs and important keyplayers of this startup village.

Watch Startup Village Video (Villahoz, Spain)


REInA goes further, we are looking for initiatives to be carried out in rural areas, to attract and retain people and talent. In this section you can find all the existing actions of different corporations and organizations about rural areas.

Projects, initiatives, challenges and many more actions you can find in this web. It also has all the information about these actions, videos, documentation and much more.

See All The Existing Actions


If you missed the REInA launching event, don’t worry, you can watch again every part of the live event at the link below.

By clicking on each slide you will be able to watch the live event from the moment you choose.

Search for the speakers, round tables or interesting topics that interest you and with a click you can watch the talk that took place at the launching event.

Watch Again Launching Event